A painfully honest account of a mixed up childhood in which the author was not black enough for her white father (there's a lot to laugh at here), or the ghetto where they lived, and not white enough for the rich, high IQ school her mother insisted she attend. She envies her little sister who manages to be "down" enough to bum a cig off older school kids at only five years-old while the author herself can't seem to fit in anywhere. In the end, Wolff makes some friends, takes a peek into their family lives, and discovers what my beloved pastor once pointed out to his church, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but there's poop in every yard." The only minor disappointment for me was the ending lacked closure, but that's probably good news for the author; if she writes a sequel I will surely run right out to buy it. ~Shel
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